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3 & 4 year old funding information for parents

Universal Hours (15)

All children in this age group are entitled to 15 hours universal funding per week over the 38 weeks of the year (term time only). We will ask you to complete a funding form that allows us to claim the funding from the government. It is important that the form is completed on time as delays in completion can lead to a problem with us claiming the funding and may result in us having to invoice for or reduce attended hours.

Extended Hours (15)

Some working families may be entitled to a further 15 hours of funding (totalling 30) per week for the same period.

Eligibility and applying

Full detail of the eligibility criteria can be found on the Family Information Service Cornwall website. If you are eligible then you will be asked to complete an online application form.

You need to apply the school term your child turns 3 years, as the funding will start the following term.

Child’s birthday

When you can claim

1 January to 31 March

The beginning of the summer term on or after 1 April

1 April to 31 August

The beginning of the autumn term on or after 1 September

1 September to 31 December

The beginning of the spring term on or after 1 January


What next?

If your application is successful you will be issued with an 11 digit reference number.  We will ask you to complete a funding form which includes this code.  We then check eligibility and can start to claim your funding from the government.  It is important that the form is completed on time as delays in completion can lead to a problem with us claiming the funding and may result in us having to invoice for or reduce attended hours.

Reconfirming your eligibility

Every three months you’ll need to reconfirm that you’re still eligible for 30 hours free childcare. You’ll be reminded to reconfirm your eligibility 4 weeks before the deadline. You can reconfirm online by signing into your childcare account, using your Government Gateway ID and the password you chose when you applied. If you don’t reconfirm, we will be told that you no longer meet the requirements for a free childcare place.

If you become ineligible you may still be able to access your free childcare place for a short period, known as a ‘grace period’. You can check what your grace period arrangements are with us or local authority. If you’re no longer eligible, you can still access the 15 hour early education entitlement which all 3 and 4-year-olds receive.